
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Returning Home

Yesterday was our return to home from the mountains.  Six hours in the car is a bit long  - and for my Mom, it was especially long. It was not an easy trip home, with several hitches along the way.  It took its toll on both of us. It was something beyond the control of either of us. Words in the prayer below that speak to me are distress, dignity, peace, willingness to accept help.
For the Aged
Look with mercy, O God our Father,
on all whose increasing years bring them weakness, distress, or isolation.
Provide for them homes of dignity and peace;
give them understanding helpers,
and the willingness to accept help;
and, as their strength diminishes,
increase their faith and their assurance of your love.
This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Book of Common Prayer
It took me today to recollect myself, so I can only imagine how Mom feels.  Then, as I was going to sleep, Mom fell, and called me to help her to get up. Last night I couldn't do it by myself. I woke up my husband to help me. Then it took me until after 2 to get to sleep. Sometimes this is really hard, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The part that is really hard is that it goes day in and day out and sometimes I don't think I am doing a very good job. The wonderful part is that I feel as I am returning to her all the love she has given me and continues to give me
Some days are really tough.


  1. The greatest gift is the one of love and love is hard on it's best day. Mother's have the patience of the angels and daughters do too. You are doing a great job so keep the faith and hang in the ride is not over!! :)

  2. Mothers and daughters have a special relationship. Our mothers mold us into the adults we become. We have the joy of being friends as adults: sharing mothering stories, recipes, shopping trips, vacations and much more. Then as their bodies began succumb to aging, we have the opportunities to make their lives easier. You, Cathy, do it so well.

  3. Wow, what a gift to your mom to give such loving care. I know that's got to be hard at times. Anyone can see from the loving way you write about it that you're doing a great job! Sending you a hug!

  4. Presence is the gift. You are doing the best you know how to do every day. Love and hugs.

  5. You will never regret anything you can do for your mother while she is here.

  6. What a beautiful expression of mother-daughter love and care. All of these wonderful comments affirm that you have touched many hearts. Thank you!

  7. Cathy - I admire you so much! Even on the most trying day, your Mom is so lucky to have you and vice versa. As my mother always said, "every mother should have a daughter!" and to that I said "Amen sister!"
