
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday - mixed bag

Saturday morning, I arose early to travel to a friend's labyrinth to celebrate World Labyrinth Day AND the completion of her labyrinth. A beautiful, even if it was cloudy, morning to walk the maze that thousands have walked all over the world. So wonderful to be able to walk it with friends, and her personalization of the labyrinth made it very special to walk, knowing that loving hands had imagined and created it.

By 10:30 I was back home and moseyed up to the square to see the "Farmer's Market" which was more of a craft market, and it was nice to see familiar faces and also to put faces with names, which I had met over a social networking site. Came home with a bit of good smelling soap. Yummy!

Ate lunch with a good friend at the place of the golden arches - what more can you say about that?

As we were headed home, Mom called and said she wanted me to come home and talk to me. I knew she had not been acting herself and seemed puny. Got home and she said "I don't feel good".  So off we went to the emergency room since I knew that was our only choice. Well, she has a urinary tract infection and was dehydrated. They gave her some IV fluids, antibiotics and sent her on her way with prescriptions in hand.

So, a mixed bag it was on Saturday. I will post a picture of the labyrinth soon!


  1. Oh dear. Glad you got a little R&R. Love and prayers to you and your mom.

  2. Hope Joe Ann is feeling better.
