
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday - this and that

The Body of Christ, the bread of heaven.

It's a beautiful day today. Church, lunch, and home. In came some pictures from my daughter, Laura, who was with Mom while the deacons were there to bring communion to those at the nursing home, unable to attend church. We are so blessed to have this offered to those wanting to receive communion. Even better was Laura and Rachael, who was able to be with her. Being outside with the beautiful weather enjoying God's creation made it even better.

Mimi and Laura

Mimi and Rachael

At the end of church we sang this hymn:


1 Go forth for God, go to the world in peace;
be of good courage, armed with heavenly grace,
in God's good Spirit daily to increase,
till in the kingdom we see face to face.
Go forth for God, go to the world in peace.

2 Go forth for God, go to the world in love;
strengthen the faint, give courage to the weak;
help the afflicted; richly from above
God's love supplies the grace and power we seek.
Go forth for God, go to the world in peace.

3 Go forth for God, go to the world in strength;
hold fast the good, be urgent for the right;
render to no one evil; Christ at length
shall overcome all darkness with his light.
Go forth for God, go to the world in peace.

4 Go forth for God, go to the world in joy,
to serve God's people every day and hour,
and serving Christ, our every gift employ,
rejoicing in the Holy Spirit's power.
Go forth for God, go to the world in peace.

J. R. Peacey, 1896-1971


1 comment:

  1. Your Mother looks so peaceful - Daughters beautiful as ever.

    Pam Searcy
